Domenick P. Coletti, DDS, MD, PC
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Domenick Coletti D.D.S. , M.D., F.A.C.S.
Address: 10710 Charter Dr, Suite 330, Columbia MD 21044
Work (410) 997-1010
Undergraduate education
1986-1987 SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
1987-1990 B.S Biology Long Island University
1992-1993 Virginia Commonwealth University
Graduate education
2000 M.D. University of Maryland, School of Medicine
1997 D.D.S. Medical College of Virginia, School of Dentistry
Post Graduate Education
1997-1998 Intern in Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Maryland Medical Center
R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
2000-2001 Intern in General Surgery
University of Maryland Medical Center
R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
Baltimore V.A. Medical Center
Resident in Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Maryland Medical Center
R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
1996-present Basic Life Support
1996-present Advanced Cardiac Life Support
1997 Northeast Regional Board of Dental Examiners
1997 Southeast Regional Board of Dental Examiners
2002-2006 Advanced Traumatic Life Support
2006-present Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
2005-2009 Pennsylvania Medical License MD427410
1998-2004 Virginia Dental License 0401008952
2003-present Maryland Dental License 13235
2003-present Maryland Medical License D0060424
2005-present Florida State Medical License ME95360
2003-present DEA License BC8272180
2003-present Maryland State Controlled Substance License D53305
2003-present Maryland State Office Based General Anesthesia License
2003-present Maryland State Specialty License Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Employment History
Private Practice
2009- present Central Maryland Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery P.A
10710 Charter Dr, Suite 330, Columbia MD 21044
2009-present Baltimore/Washington Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Center LLC
10710 Charter Dr, Suite 330, Columbia, MD 21044
Faculty Appointments
2008-2009 Associate Professor of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Maryland Medical System
R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center
2006-2009 Division Chief of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Maryland Medical System
R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center
2003-2008 Assistant Professor of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Maryland Medical System
R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center
Medical Staff Appointments
2009- present Attending Surgeon
Howard County General Hospital
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Columbia, Maryland
2006-2007 Chief of Maxillofacial Trauma
Sinai Hospital , Baltimore
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2005-2009 Attending Surgeon
Mount Nittany Hospital
State College, Pennsylvania
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-2009 Attending Surgeon
University of Maryland Medical System
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-2009 Attending Surgeon
R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-present Attending Surgeon
Sinai Hospital , Baltimore
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2009- present American Dental Association
2008-present Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
2008-2012 AO North America Craniomaxillofacial Faculty
2009-present Maryland State Dental Association
2009-present Howard County Dental Association
1997-2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery member ID# 066967
2003-2011 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-2011 Maryland State Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-2005 Associate Fellow, American College of Surgeons
2004-2011 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation
Honors and Awards
2011 Howard County General Hospital physician/nursing collaboration award
2011 Trademark who’s who practitioner award
2011 Baltimore Magazine 2011 Top Dentist
2005 Faculty Educator Development Award (FEDA), American Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
2001 Outstanding Intern Award, Department of General Surgery
University of Maryland Medical Center
1997 Graduated MCV Summa Cum Laude
1997 Omega Kappa Upsilon Honor Society
1997 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
1997 The Quintessence Academic Achievement Award
1997 The Pierre Fauchard Academy Award for Scholastic Merit
1997 International College of Dentists Scholarship
1997 Nominee for Richmond Dental Society Student Scholarship
1996-1997 A D. Williams Scholarship for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement
1994-1995 Medical College of Virginia, Dean’s Scholarship
1994-1997 Medical College of Virginia, Dean’s List
1996 Selected representative ADA/Warner-Lambert Dental
Students Conference on Research
1995 A.D. Williams Student Research Fellowship Stipend
1995 Oral and Maxillofacial Student Research Fellowship Award
1995 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Student Research Grant
1995 Selected representative The American College of Prosthodontics Convention, MCV
1994 A.D. Williams Student Research Fellowship Stipend
1994 Nominee for ADA Dental Student Scholarship for Academic Achievement
Administrative Service
Institutional Service
2014-2015 Advisory Board Member Howard County Community College Dental Hygiene Program
2006-2009 Division Chief, Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland Medical System
2006 Division Chief of Maxillofacial Trauma, Dept. of Surgery, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD
2004-05 Undergraduate mentor for student selective in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland School of Dentistry
2003-2009 Member Sleep Apnea Center, University of Maryland Medical System
2003-04 Member of the committee on dental student implant education- University of Maryland School of Dentistry
2003-2005 Member of the surgeon quality assurance committee- University of Maryland Medical System
2003-2009 Member of medical staff credentials committee-University of Maryland Medical System
2003 Member of operating room’s laser committee -University of Maryland Medical
Local Service
2010 Howard County General Hospital Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Clinic, October 23, 2010
2010 President Elect Howard County Dental Association
2002 Oral cancer screening course- Carroll County Health Department
2001 Free Oral Cancer Screening-Tobacco restitution, University of Maryland
1996 Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee for James Giglio DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical College of Virginia
1996 Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee for Joseph Califano DDS,
Periodontics, Medical College of Virginia
1996 Admissions Coordinator, Medical College of Virginia, School of Dentistry
1993-1996 Research Assistant-NIH funded, William Riley M.D., Medical College of Virginia, School of Medicine, Investigation of the psychological effects of smokeless tobacco use.
1994 Urban Oral Cancer Screening, Medical College of Virginia
1994 S.W. Virginia Rural Oral Cancer Screening, Medical College of Virginia
National Service
2005 Appointed by AAOMS to the OMS Scope of Practice Advocacy Task force.
2005 Item Writer, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Self Assessment Tool (OMSSAT) – In service training exam
2005-present Reviewer, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2005-present Reviewer for Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology
2007-present Reviewer, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
2011-present Reviewer Journal of Craniomaxillofacial trauma
International Service
2005-present Peer reviewer for the International Journal Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Teaching Experiences
Course Director
2005-2009 Course Director DSUR 531 junior (and former senior) dental student hospital oral and maxillofacial surgery rotation, University of Maryland School of Dentistry
2003-2007 Course Director DSUR 522 sophomore student course in Oral and Maxillofacial, , Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
2004-2007 Course Director senior student oral and maxillofacial surgery clerkship, University of Maryland School of Dentistry
2016-present Lecturer dental hygiene students oral pathology board review course, Howard County Community College
2004-2009 Lecturer senior dental student course medical emergencies, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
2004-20006 Lecturer junior dental student course implant dentistry, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
2001-2009 Lecturer DSUR 548 – junior student course, Advanced Topics in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
2001-2009 Lecturer Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery seminar series, University of Maryland, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents and dental students
Faculty Advisor
2005- 2009 Advisor for visiting national and international student externships
2003-2004 Faculty advisor for student selective in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2003-2009 Faculty advisor for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Student Interest Group
2003 Head and neck anatomy instructor freshman medical students-Gross anatomy course, University of Maryland School of Medicine.
2003-2009 Clinic instructor undergraduate Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic
Surgery, University of Maryland School of Dentistry
2008 Faculty advisor for Minal Patel, Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park, NIH K99 postdoctoral career development award.
2007 Faculty advisor for graduate biomedical engineering students, Biomedical research project UMD BIOE capstone course Department of engineering, University of Maryland, College Park
2007 PhD Thesis committee member for Martha Betz, Orbital floor regeneration using
cyclic hydrogels through enhanced osteogenic cell signaling of bone marrow
stromal cells, Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College
2006-2009 Clinical instructor for microvascular reconstructive surgery fellows, Department of OMS, University of Maryland
2003- 2009 OMS Chief for multidisciplinary (plastic/ENT/OMS) craniofacial conference at University of Maryland Medical System monthly conference
2003-2009 Graduate teaching for the oral and maxillofacial surgery residents including lectures, conferences, teaching ward rounds, and journal review.
2001-2005 Lecturer for physical diagnosis course for OMS, GPR, Periodontal, and Pedodontic residents
2003-2004 Lecturer joint OMS, Prosthodontic, and Periodontic resident implant conferences
2003-2005 Clinical instructor for implants Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery resident clinic, and AEGD resident clinic
Yang R, Vorrasi, J, Yang, R., Caccamese, JF., Lubek, J., Engroff, S., Coletti, D.
Bilateral Condylar Reconstruction Utilizing a Single Segmentalized Free Fibula Flap: A case Series, Presented at 2013 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland
Betz MW, Caccamese J, Coletti D, Sauk J, Fisher J. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Embedded in Macroporous Cyclic Acetal Hydrogels for Orbital Floor Regeneration. The 1st Annual Maryland Stem Cell Research Symposium, Laurel , MD, 2008
Betz MW, Caccamese J, Coletti D, Sauk J, Fisher J. Osteogenic cell signaling in macroporous cyclic acetal hydrogels, Accepted for presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual meeting, St Louis, MO, 2008
Betz MW, Caccamese J, Coletti D, Sauk J, Fisher J. Macroporpus cyclic acetal hydrogels for orbital floor regeneration. Accepted for the Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, Philidelphia, PA, 2008
Subash P, Coletti D Comprehensive Management of Cranio-maxillofacial Ballistic injuries: A 5 Year Experience. Presented at the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons/British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons meeting, Seattle, 2008.
D Coletti, J Caccamese, R Ord Comprehensive management of ballistic injuries in an urban American trauma unit , Podium presentation at the 2007 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Aveimore, Scotland
MW Betz, PC Modi, JF Caccamese, DP Coletti, JJ Sauk, and JP Fisher. Orbital Floor Regeneration Using Cyclic Acetal Hydrogels. Annual Society for Biomaterials Meeting. Chicago, IL (2007)
Gordon SM, Coletti D, Bergman S, Shimizu N, Caccaemese J, Laska G Schmidt W, Robbins W. LNS5662 (Flavonol-PgP Modulator) Ameliorates CNS effects of oxycodone in an acute pain model. Presented at the American Pain Society, Washington DC, 2007
D Coletti, RA Ord, Complications associated with mandibular locking reconstruction
Plates review of 110 cases. Podium presentation at the 2006 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Eastbourne, UK
D Coletti, RA Ord, Classification and management of pathologic fractures of the mandible: A study of 43 case. Podium presentation at the 2006 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Eastbourne, UK
D Coletti, J Caccamese, The impact of substance abuse on the occurrence and outcome of odontogenic deep space infection. Podium presentation at the 2006 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Eastbourne, UK
Caccamese JF, Ricalde P, Von Fraunhofer JA, Coletti DP, Norby C, Hartman M. Strength analysis of six resorbable fixation systems. Presented at the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons meeting, Eastbourne, UK, 2006.
MW Betz*, PC Modi, JF Caccamese, DP Coletti, JJ Sauk, and JP Fisher. Initiator System for Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Analysis of Osteoblastic Differentiation for Orbital Bone Repair. Annual National AIChE Meeting. San Francisco, CA (2006)
Martha W. Betz, Parth C. Modi, John F. Caccamese, Domenick P. Coletti, John J. Sauk and John P. Fisher. Initiator System for Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Analysis of Osteoblastic Differentiation for Orbital Bone Repair. American Institute of Chemical Engineers November 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract #67794
D Coletti, Comparative analysis of threaded and tapered locking plates, Podium
Presentation at 2005 British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual
Meeting, Gateshead, UK
A Kolokythas, RA Ord, JC Papadimitriou, D Coletti, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma arising De Novo in a cervical lymph node: case report. 10th International Congress of Oral Cancer, April 19-24 2005, Crete, Greece
Salama AR, Coletti DP, Caccamese JF. Applications of IMF screws in maxillofacial trauma: A pilot study to examine efficacy and safety. Presented at the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons/British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons meeting, Boston, 2005.
SW An, AD Thompson, MW Betz*, JF Caccamese, DP Coletti, JJ Sauk, and JP Fisher. Scaffold Facilitated Osteoblastic Differentiation for Orbital Bone Repair. Annual BMES Meeting. Baltimore, MD (2005)
D Coletti, RA Ord, Complications associated with mandibular locking reconstruction
Plates, Podium presentation at the 2004 International Head and Neck Cancer Societies
Anual Meeting, Washington D.C.
R Chaisuparat, D Coletti, RA Ord, NG Nikitakis , Primary intraosseous odontogenic
carcinoma arising in an odontogenic cyst or de novo: A clinicopathologic study of five new
cases, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology,
Charleston, South Carolina, May 8 – 12, 2004
J. Anttscherl, S. Wills, D. Coletti. Facial gunshot trauma: epidemiology and pattern of
injury. Abstract published in British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Feb.2001
D. Coletti, D.C. Sarrett. Investigations of the mechanism of alcohol on composite wear.
IADR / AADR Convention, San Francisco, California, 1996.
D. Coletti, D.C. Sarrett. Effects of alcohol on polymer matrix and composite wear.
IADR/AADR Convention, San Antonio, Texas,1995
Peer Review Journals
Lubek J, Coletti D Guarded Retractor for Use in Fibula-Free Flap Harvest/Reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Dec 16.
Zhang T, Lubek J, Salama A, Caccamese J, Coletti D, Dyalram D, Ord R.Venous Anastomoses Using Microvascular Coupler in Free Flap Head and Neck Reconstruction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Jul 7.
Nguyen C, Driscoll F, Coletti D, Reconstruction of a maxillectomy
patient with an osteocutaneous flap and implant-retained fixed dental prosthesis:
A clinical report, Accepted for publication to Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry March 2011.
Lubeck J, Coletti D, Guarded Retractor for use in Fibula Free Flap Harvest/Reconstruction
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Dec 16.
Betz MW, Caccamese JF, Coletti DP, Sauk JJ, Fisher JP. Challenges associated with regeneration of orbital floor bone. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2010 Oct;16(5):541-50.
Betz MW, Yeatts AB, Richbourg WJ, Caccamese JF, Coletti DP, Falco EE, Fisher JP. Macroporous hydrogels upregulate osteogenic signal expression and promote bone regeneration.
Biomacromolecules. 2010 May 10;11(5):1160-8.
Patel M, Patel KJ, Caccamese JF, Coletti DP, Sauk JJ, Fisher JP. Characterization of cyclic acetal hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for craniofacial tissue engineering. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010 Aug;94(2):408-18.
M Betz, W Richbourg, J Caccamese, D Coletti, E. Falco, J Fisher, Macroporous Hydrogels Upregulate Osteogenic Signal Expression and Promote Bone Regeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., July 2009
Coletti DP, Ord R, Liu X. Mandibular reconstruction and second generation locking reconstruction plates: Outcome of 110 patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009 May 5.
Betz MW, Caccamese JF, Coletti DP, Sauk JJ, Fisher JP. Tissue response and orbital floor regeneration using cyclic acetal hydrogels. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009 Sep 1;90(3):819-29.
M Betz, P Modi, J Caccamese, D Coletti, J Sauk, and J Fisher, Cyclic Acetal Hydrogel System for Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Encapsulation and Osteodifferentiation, J Biomed Mater Res A. 2008 Sep;86(3):662-70.
Coletti D, Ord R, Classification and management of pathological fractures of the mandible, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008 Mar;37(3):215-22
Ord RA, Coletti D, Cervico-facial Necrotizing Fasciitis, Invited review article, Oral Dis. 2009 Mar;15(2):133-41.
Coletti D, Caccamese J, Deep neck infections: clinical considerations in aggressive disease.
Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2008 Aug;20(3):367-80.
Coletti D, Caccamese J, Management of Aggressive Head and Neck Infections, Plastic Surgery CMF Hyperguide, April 2008
S Engroff, D Coletti, Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the palate: report of a case, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008 May;105(5):580-2.
Coletti D, Salama A, Caccamese J, Application of IMF Screws in Maxillofacial Trauma, J Oral Maxillofac Surg, J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Sep;65(9):1746-50
Moreau JL, Caccamese JF, Coletti DP, Sauk JJ, Fisher JP. Tissue Engineering Solutions for Cleft Palates: A Review of the Literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Dec;65(12):2503-11.
D Coletti, J Caccamese, C Norby, S Edwards, J Von Fraunhofer. Comparative analysis of threaded and tapered locking reconstruction plates. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007 Dec;65(12):2587-93.
D Coletti, T Genuit, S Engroff, RA Ord. Metastasis to the percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy site in the head and neck cancer patient: a review of the literature and case report.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Jul;64(7):1149-57
Chaisuparat R, Coletti D, Kolokythas A, Ord RA, Nikitakis NG. Primary intraosseous odontogenic carcinoma arising in an odontogenic cyst or de novo: a clinicopathologic study of six new cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2006 Feb;101(2):194-200
S Bergman, D Coletti, Perioperative management of the geriatric patient. Part I: Respiratory system. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;102 e1-e6
S Bergman, D Coletti, Perioperative management of the geriatric patient. Part II: Cardiovascular system. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;102 e7-e12
S Bergman, D Coletti, Perioperative management of the geriatric patient. Part III: Delerium. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;102 e13-e1
A Kolokythas, RA Ord, JC Papadimitriou, D Coletti, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma arising De Novo in a cervical lymph node: case report. Accepted for 2006 publication to Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
D.C. Sarrett, D.P. Coletti, A.R. Peluso. The effects of alcoholic beverages on composite
wear. Dental Materials 16(2000) 62-67
Book Chapters
D Coletti, Contemporary maxillofacial fixation techniques, In Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Langdon J, editor, Hodder Arnold Publishing, 2011
D Coletti, R Ord, Management of Aggressive Head and Neck Infections, In Endodontic Microbiology, Ashrif F, editor, Blackwell Publishing, 2009
Caccamese J, Coletti D Perioperative management of mandible fractures, In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fonseca R, editor, Saunders, 2007
Coletti D, Caccamese J, Management of mandible fractures, In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fonseca R, editor, Saunders, 2007
D Coletti, K Raja; Management of the dental patient with renal disease. Dent Clin North Am. 2006 Oct;50(4):529-45
Coletti D, Episatxis, In The Dental Clinical Advisor. Hupp JR,, Mosby-Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2006. p 358.
Coletti D, Pneumothorax, In The Dental Clinical Advisor. Hupp JR,, Mosby-Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2006. p375.
Coletti D, Post extraction hemorrhage, In The Dental Clinical Advisor. Hupp JR,, Mosby-Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2006. p376.
Coletti D, Ludwigs Angina, In The Dental Clinical Advisor. Hupp JR,, Mosby-Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2006. p 363.
Local Meetings
“Review of mucosal pathology”, Howard County Dental Hygiene Association, September 2017
“Comprehensive Treatment for Complex Maxillofacial Defects”, Howard County Dental Hygiene Association, September 2017
“ The Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma Patient”, Howard County Community College Dental Hygiene program, April 2016
“Comprehensive Treatment for Complex Maxillofacial Defects”, Howard County Dental Association, January 2016
“Management of aggressive head and neck infections”, Howard County Korean Dental Association, March 2015
“Comprehensive Management of Composite Maxillofacial Defects”, Grand Rounds, Howard County General Hospital, June 2014
“ Applied surgical anatomy for soft tissue facial trauma”, Howard County General Hospital, emergency department grand rounds, January 2012
“Management of aggressive head and neck infections”, Virginia Dental Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, June 2011
“Cone Beam Computer Tomography in Dentistry”, Virginia Dental Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, June 2011
“Clinical update on bisphosphonate osteonecrosis of the jaws”, Virginia Dental Association Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, June 2011
“Fundamental of oral surgery principles and techniques” Maryland State Dental Association continuing education program, 2 hour lecture, Columbia, MD June 2010
“Cone Beam Computer Tomography in Dentistry”, Carefirst Continuing Education Program, 2 hour lecture, Baltimore, MD May 2010
“ Introduction of orthognathic surgery patients”, Howard County General Hospital, Floor nursing and staff, January 2010
“ Management of orthognathic surgery patients”, Howard County General Hospital, ICU nursing and staff, May 2009
“Treatment of craniomaxillofacial trauma”, R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center, OR nursing and personnel in-service, April 2007
“Treatment of midface trauma”, R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center, OR nursing and personnel in-service, November 2006
“Treatment of mandibular trauma”, R Adam Cowley Shock Trauma Center, OR nursing and personnel in-service, October 2006
“ Management of odontogenic infections”, Metropolitan dental study group, March 2006
“ Management of odontogenic infections”, Pikesville dental study club, January 2006
“ Management of mandible fractures”, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University, August 2005
“ Complication of implant dentistry”, Spring meeting, Southern Maryland Dental
Hygiene Association, August 2005
“Treatment of mandible fractures”, AO/ASIF Basic course
for O.R personnel, University of Maryland Medical System, April 2005
“Management of the irradiated head and neck patient”, Baltimore County Dental Hygiene
Association, December 2004
“Management of odontogenic infections”, Anne Arundel Dental Society, September
“Management of mandible fractures”, ENT Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University,
July 2004
“Overview of oral pathology”, Spring meeting, Southern Maryland Dental Hygiene Association, April 2004
“Radiographic imaging in the craniomaxillofacial trauma patient”, AO/ASIF Basic course
for O.R personnel, University of Maryland Medical System, April 2004
“Principles in complex midfacial trauma”, AO/ASIF Basic course
for O.R personnel, University of Maryland Medical System, April 2004
“Dental implants in mandibular reconstrunction”, Spring meeting, Southern Maryland
Dental Society, March 2004
“Investigations of the mechanism of alcohol on composite wear”.
Clinical research symposium , Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, 1996
“Effects of alcohol on polymer matrix and composite wear”.
Clinical research symposium, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia,1995
“Effects of alcohol on polymer matrix and composite wear”.
Hinman research symposium, Memphis, Tennessee,1995
National Meetings
D Coletti “ Comprehensive Management of ballistic injuries in an urban american trauma unit”, University of Rochester, Biomet Multidisciplinary Trauma Symposium, March 2009, Rochester, NY
D Coletti “Management to mandible fractures”, University of Rochester, Biomet Multidisciplinary Trauma Symposium, March 2009, Rochester, NY
D Coletti, “Treatment Strategies for managing craniomaxillofacial defects”, Biomet Trauma Symposium, , 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
D Coletti, E J Lubek, “Comprehensive reconstruction of major craniomaxillofacial defects”, 2 hour surgical clinic presentation, 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
D Coletti, E Rodriquez, “Comprehensive reconstruction of major maxillofacial trauma defects”, 2 hour surgical clinic presentation, 2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii,
D Coletti, J Caccamese, “Aggressive Management of Deep Neck Infections”, 2 hour surgical clinic presentation, 2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii
D Coletti, “Management of high velocity avulsive facial trauma”, 2007 Stryker: Advances in craniomaxillofacial trauma, University of Pittsburgh, PA
D Coletti, J Caccamese, “Aggressive Management of Deep Neck Infections”, 2 hour surgical clinic presentation, 2006 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
D Coletti, J Caccamese, “ Aggressive Management of Deep Neck Infections”, 2 hour surgical clinic presentation, 2005 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
D Coletti, R Blanchaert, “Implant based dental rehabilitation following mandibular resection”, at the Implant Symposium, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey- 2001
International Meetings
D Coletti, Vascularized versus Non Vascularized bone for mandibular reconstruction. Lecturer at the March, 2009 AO North America Challenges and Advances: State of the Art Reconstruction in Microsurgery, Baltimore, USA
D Coletti, Vascularized versus Non Vascularized bone for mandibular reconstruction. Lecturer at the 2007 AO North America Challenges and Advances: State of the Art Reconstruction in Microsurgery, Baltimore, USA
1. D Coletti, J. A. von Fraunhofer : Laboratory comparison of the threaded and tapered screws for locking reconstruction plates, $10,000 granted from Osteomed for laboratory research.
2. L Litowsky, D Coletti, S Bergman: Co-investigator, Forest Research Institute: “A double blinded, placebo controlled, single dose parallel study of the analgesic efficacy and safety of oxycodone HCL 5mg/ Ibuprofen 400mg compared to oxycodone HCL 5 mg/ Acetominophe
325 mg and Hydrocodone Bitartrate 7.5mg/ Acetominophen 500mg in patients with moderate to severe pain following dental surgery” OXYMD-16 UMD IRB #24945, Grant $135,000
3. H-28020: Double blinded, placebo controlled pilot study of the efficacy, safety and tolerability of oxycodone HCL when administered with or without Quercetin adjunctively to healthy volunterrs undergoing third molar extraction. Coletti (10%) 07/06/2006 – 06/30/2007 This clinical trial examined the reduction of opioid-induced CNS effects through adjunctive use of the herbal, quercetin.
4. Organization: University System of Maryland Initiative for Nano-Bio-Technology Development
P.I.: John P. Fisher, Ph.D.
Co Investigators: John Caccamese DMD MD, Domenick Coletti DDS MD, John Saulk DDS PhD
Title: Nanostructured Bone Engineering Scaffolds for Dental Applications
Award & Period: $133,612 (06/01/2007 – 05/31/2008)
5. Organization: Maryland Technology Development Corporation
P.I.: John P. Fisher, Ph.D.
Co Investigators: John Caccamese DMD MD, Domenick Coletti DDS MD, John Saulk DDS PhD
Title: Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Craniofacial Bone Regeneration
Award & Period: $229,972 (04/01/2007 – 03/31/2009)
6. Organization: Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
P.I.: John P. Fisher, Ph.D.
Co Investigators: John Caccamese DMD MD, Domenick Coletti DDS MD, John Saulk DDS PhD
Title: Biomaterial Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration
Grant submission: 3/2008
Funding granted: $239,000
7. Organization: NIH; a proposal in response to Harnessing Inflammation for Reconstruction of Oral and Craniofacial Tissues RFA-DE-09-001
P.I.: John P. Fisher, Ph.D.
Co Investigators: John Caccamese DMD MD, Domenick Coletti DDS MD, David Mosser DDS PhD, Hockin Xu PhD
Title: Engineering Inflammation to Facilitate Craniofacial Bone Regeneration
Grant submission: 10/2008
Funding requested: 1.5 million
Instruments and Patents
Designed reconstruction plate bender with Stryker/Leibinger CMF, utilized in maxillofacial reconstruction.
Designed Fibula Miter Saw System (“Full Guard”) with Biomet/W. Lorenz, utilized for free fibula osteotomies in microvascular reconstruction.
Domenick Coletti DDS, MD, FACS
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